With great emotion, the graduation ceremonies for the children of migrant workers from companies affiliated with Veggies from Mexico took place. Each agricultural season, while their […]
Fundación Cárdenas, Civil Association (A.C.), in partnership with the Clothing and Household Goods Bank (Banco de Ropa y Enseres Domésticos (BRED IAP), Private Assistance Institution, has […]
Agrícola El Nazario recently held a heartfelt event near its Calomato shelter to express gratitude to all its collaborators for their contributions during another successful agricultural […]
Reili Iñaqui Escobar García, a 15-year-old student at the Migrant High School of Campo Esmeralda in Villa Juárez, Navolato, achieved second place in the statewide “Plasma […]
Agricola Belher has achieved a successful conclusion to the first module of the World Vision Mexico: Harvesting Labor Rights workshop. This collaborative effort involved training employees […]
As a new agricultural season dawns, companies grapple with familiar challenges: enhancing production while curbing costs. Achieving these objectives necessitates hiring hundreds of skilled workers for […]
Culiacán, Sinaloa – Expo Agro Sinaloa recently made a generous donation to the private assistance institution Pro-Familia de Jornaleros IAP, which provides support to farm workers […]
With exuberance and a kaleidoscope of hues, the children of migrant employees from our agricultural community at Veggies From Mexico celebrated the arrival of spring. At […]
The final match of the 13th Edition of the Ligas Deportivas Permanentes (LDP), organized by ProFamilia de Jornaleros IAP within the Asociación de Agricultores del Río […]