Volunteering in action at Agrícola Belher
The value of solidarity and generosity has no limits, and together we can build a better world. As proof of this, on December 2, with the support of ProFamilia de Jornaleros IAP, the ConCrédito company volunteered at the Lo De Beltrán Community Development Center of Agrícola Belher, which is part of our agricultural community Veggies from Mexico.
The volunteer program was attended by 50 people, who brought cleaning and painting materials and oversaw embellishing different areas of the CDC, such as the dining room of the daycare center, the Tolín park, the soccer goals of the three soccer fields and cleaning the surrounding areas, ensuring a pleasant and safe environment for everyone.
The volunteers provided support in painting, cleaning, and donated computer equipment, and furniture such as ten computers, one printer, and one projector. They also provided the families of the Community Development Center with clothes and toys.
It was admirable to see how the administrative and cleaning team of the Lo De Beltran CDC also joined this noble cause, demonstrating that teamwork and solidarity are fundamental to achieving positive change.
Finally, the day concluded with a meal provided by ConCrédito for all the volunteer participants in appreciation and recognition of those who dedicated their time and effort to this noble work.
ProFamilia de Jornaleros IAP – AARC is an institution whose main objective is to improve the welfare and quality of life of the families of migrant farm workers, particularly children, established in the agricultural shelters in the valleys of Culiacan and Navolato.
ConCredito is a 100% digital company with 15 years of history of a successful business model that has transformed the lives of thousands of women and men throughout Mexico. With a vast network of entrepreneurs, ConCrédito brings microcredits to the people who need them most, when they need them most.