Veggies From Mexico participates in “Food Safety Week” organized by Del Campo y Asociados

Culiacan, Sinaloa – The week of October 10th to 14th, the company Del Campo y Asociados, a member of our community Veggies from Mexico celebrates “Food Safety Week” for the personnel that collaborates in the company.
In this opportunity, the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Biologist Elvia Rosa Martinez Bueno & Biochemical Engineer Edgar Ramirez – Internal Auditors of Veggies from Mexico, had the opportunity to present to the attendees the operation of the Eleven Rivers Growers audits and the Veggies From Mexico badge and how it is of great benefit to grower companies to belong to this community.

With various topics of interest, which are important for the education and food safety culture of the staff working in the company, where the following topics were discussed:
– Veggies from Mexico’s Badge – Presented by: Chemical Pharmaceutical Biologist Elvia Rosa Martínez Bueno & Biochemical Engineer Edgar Ramírez.
– Basic Microbiology – Presented by: Biochemical Engineer Pedro López
– Use and Handling of Cleaning Chemicals – Presented by: Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics Raul Coronado
– Integrated Urban Pest Management – Presented by: Reynaldo Cabrera
– Food Safety culture – Presented by: Engineer Tommy Alfaro

Food safety plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the safety of the produce at every stage of the food chain: from production to harvesting, processing, storage, and distribution; to the end of the chain, preparation, and consumption.
That is why activities such as this one organized by Del Campo y Asociados are so important to ensure continuous improvement in the food safety culture of organizations.
Del Campo y Asociados is a company with extensive experience in the fresh produce industry, with three production units in three states of Mexico and two export points to the United States. One of the largest and most successful operations in Mexico.
Sales Contact
Juan José Ley Castro
Phone number. (667) 710-0049
Del Campo Blue Pearls, Sweet Pepper’s, Heirloom
Social Responsibility: DEALTI, SMETA