The Veggies From Mexico Audit Team has updated its practices based on ISO 19011
In the first week of June, the audit team from Veggies from Mexico participated in the ISO 19011:2018 (Guidelines for the Audit of management systems) auditor training course. This course aligns with SRRC, Global GAP, and Primus GFS standards.
The training had two main objectives: first, to ensure the team’s knowledge was up-to-date with the ISO 19011 standard, and second, to facilitate knowledge sharing and experiences among auditors at the national level.
ISO 19011 standardizes the audit process at the international level, covering aspects such as auditor training, competence, organization of the audit, execution, and presentation of results.
Additionally, this training compiles audit criteria from the main certifications held by member farms within our community.
By investing in this training, Veggies from Mexico aims to provide personnel who deliver services with the highest quality standards, making them competitive on a global scale.”