The era of water-soluble bags in the food industry begins

They are made from polyvinyl alcohol or vegetable starches. They withstand spills and dissolve completely in three days. Water soluble bags will never harm any marine animal.
In the seas, turtles mistake floating plastic bags for jellyfish and starve to death because they fill their stomachs with garbage they cannot digest. This fact, pointed out by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), is just one of the ways in which plastics damage ecosystems. It is estimated that 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide every year and are part of the 8 million tons of plastic that end up in the oceans.
The seas and their inhabitants could get a good breather with the implementation of bags that dissolve completely within a few minutes of being shaken in water.
The future of plastic bags is today. But of the biodegradable and compostable ones. A new generation of these items is generating demand in the food and beverage industry, not only because of its functionality, but also because it helps the planet.

In December of last year, Rappi made headlines in Mexico because it announced that it would make its deliveries in water-soluble bags made in Mexico by the company Abadi Eco. Made from vegetable starches, they are 100% biodegradable and compostable.
“From now on, users will receive their orders in bags that disappear in hot water in just two minutes, generating zero impact on the environment,” reported the company specializing in food shipments from restaurants and supermarkets.
Here we present a couple more options that are already used in Mexico and their vision of how much they will be able to conquer the market and consumers.