Veggies From Mexico is a new member of FPAA
Recently Veggies from Mexico became a new associate member of the Fresh Produce Association of The Americas (FPAA). We are proud to belong to this organization with almost eighty years of experience representing the Mexican fresh produce industry in the United States.
By becoming a member, we accept a shared commitment to make a positive change in the fresh produce industry by promoting safe, sustainable, and transparent food to have a sustainable supply chain for the future.
Mexico accounts for 39% of all fruits and vegetables consumed in North America annually. Nogales is the largest port of entry for fresh produce grown in Mexico, making nearly 5 billion pounds of fruits and vegetables available yearly, representing $3 billion worth of trade in this port each year. The FPAA is a strong, 100+ member organization that supports critical trade objectives to ensure the industry’s safety.
In our Veggies from Mexico community, we are proud to have agricultural companies that believe in sustainable and fair practices that ensure the delivery of healthy, safe, and delicious vegetables from the field to the table. This way, you can always trust that you will receive the Best Fresh Produce from Mexico.
We are honored to be part of this prestigious association, and to continue representing our community of growers united by strong values and a shared business vision through weekly compliance and verification of the highest standards of safety and social responsibility; Our members are based in Sinaloa, a major vegetable growing region that harvests the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and green beans you need; some of our members are also part of FPAA, which strengthens the future collaboration Veggies From Mexico can have with this organization.
The FPAA was founded in Nogales, Arizona in 1944 when several importers-distributors of fruits and vegetables joined together to address common problems. Since then, FPAA has become one of the most influential fruit and vegetable industry groups in the United States.
FPAA represents and defends the interests of its members like no other organization in the United States can. FPAA members are American companies involved in the import, marketing, and distribution of fruit and vegetable products in the North American region.