The finals of the 12th Edition of the Culiacán Valley Agricultural Sports Leagues were successfully held
Culiacán, Sinaloa – Last Sunday, April 2, the final soccer categories of the teams representing the horticultural companies of Culiacán and Navolato took place at the “Los Dorados” soccer stadium. The teams were made up of boys, girls, and young children of the employees of these companies.
In an atmosphere full of joy, they were accompanied by the authorities of the AARC, its president Enrique Riveros, its director David Careaga, and the director of Veggies from Mexico, Georgius Gotsis. They also had the pleasure of being accompanied and supported by the Director of Sports for Sinaloa, Julio César Cascajares, the Director of Sports Promotion, José Daniel Castro Rojo, and the Secretary of Health, Dr. Cuitláhuac González Galindo.
The children and teenagers were motivated to play in a professional soccer stadium, a dream they had had for many years in this tournament, in addition to the enthusiastic cheers for the team.
Goals were raining down from all sides, and the Sinaloa Sports Institute also organized dynamics for those in attendance between games.
The players’ families experienced a day full of success and emotions in this edition.
In the children’s category, the teams that participated were Campo Batán of Del Campo y Asociados, Campo Milenio of Agroexportadora del Noroeste, Campo Victoria of International Greenhouse Produce, with Campo Batán of Del Campo y Asociados winning.
In the women’s category, the teams that participated were: Campo Batán de Del Campo y Asociados, Campo Lo De Beltrán de Agrícola Belher, and Campo La Flor de Agrícola De Gala, with Campo Batán de Del Campo y Asociados winning.
In the youth category, the teams that participated were Campo El Cafetal de Tricar, Campo Dorita de Agrícola Belher, Campo Paredes de Agrícola Paredes, with the winner being Campo El Cafetal de Tricar.
In the men’s category, the teams that participated were Campo Pia from Hortifresh, Campo San Armando from Agroexportadora del Noroeste, and Campo el 44, with Campo Pia from Hortifresh as the champion.
The best scorers were: In the children’s category: Valentín Guadalupe Durán González from Campo Victoria de International Greenhouse Produce, in the women’s category: Dalila Jaideth Luis Ramírez from Campo Lo Del Beltrán de Agrícola Belher, in the youth category: Martín Ulises Monreal Murillo from Campo El Cafetal de Tricar, in the men’s category: Cristhian Daniel Urrea Estrada from Campo Pia de Hortifresh.
Horticultural growers and exporters in the state of Sinaloa seek to promote physical and mental health, recreation, and healthy coexistence among the children of their employees and their families through Sports practice.