Sistema Producto Tomate trains exporters from Sinaloa and Sonora

The Sistema Producto Tomate (Tomato Product System) recently held a series of training forums in the cities of Culiacan and Guasave, Sinaloa, and Obregon, Sonora.)
The Sistema Producto Tomate is a national organization made up of 14 states. Its objective is to design public policies that allow the development of this crop and, above all, to attend to small growers.

Directed by engineer Rosario Antonio Beltran Ureta, the presentation of the forums was made by Ms. Zhaira Mejía.
In these forums, the last season and the last five years’ statistical data was presented, about tomato exports from Mexico to North America through different borders, and market conditions in terms of prices and marketing for this past year’s information.

The process of signing the tomato suspension agreement with the U.S. Department of Commerce was also discussed.
Also mentioned were the changes in the National Health, Safety, and Agri-Food Quality Service (SENASICA) approval notice and the changes in the automatic export notice with the Ministry of Economy.
The forums were well concurred and provided tomato growers with information and tools to continue exporting successfully.