Constitution of the Health and Food Safety Commission

During the performance of any work activity, we can encounter different types of risks, ranging from small physical injuries, and minor illnesses, to serious situations that can put the lives of workers at risk.
For this reason, it is important to be able to identify the hazards to which we are exposed and how we can avoid them as much as possible. How is this possible? By communicating existing hazards using safety signs, placing physical measures or safety devices, training personnel on how to carry out activities, preventive maintenance of equipment and facilities, and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, among others.
At the beginning of May, Agrobo, S.A. de C.V. set up the Safety and Hygiene Committee (CSH) and carried out the first inspection inside the warehouses, where the development of the processes, personnel activities, safety measures implemented, protective equipment assigned, and its proper use, and identification of hazards are observed. Once the inspection is completed, the commission met to look for solutions according to the company’s possibilities and mitigate any situation detected.

We clarify that the Safety and Hygiene Commission is a body that is established for:
1. Investigate the causes of accidents and illnesses in the work centers.
2. Propose measures to prevent them.
3. Follow up on the implementation of the proposed measures and ensure that they are complied with.
To achieve this, it is necessary to have a program of verification inspections, which must be carried out within thirty calendar days following the constitution of the commission and subsequently, within the first thirty calendar days of each year. In addition, it must be carried out at least three times a year.
Therefore, the function of a monitoring committee and the inspections is to identify agents, and hazardous conditions in the workplace, based on incidents, accidents, and occupational diseases.

Eleven Rivers Growers – Veggies from Mexico not only perform internal audit services weekly but also provides advice to those companies that require it, whether they are inside or want to join the community, as is the case of Agrobo, S.A. de C.V.
We invite you to meet and/or be part of the community of Eleven Rivers Growers – Veggies from Mexico, as well as other growers from Sinaloa who, day by day seek to differentiate themselves from other regions, implementing programs of labor safety and social responsibility in their facilities.