Banco de Alimentos de Culiacán presents its 2021 Report
By the end of January, Banco de Alimentos de Culiacán presented its annual report with regards to the activities performed during 2021.
Among the most significant results of the organization, they highlighted having benefited over 55,138 people, by delivering over 3,297 tons of food, totaling 155,000 food packages.
Banco de Alimentos and the Veggies From México community have been working together for two years now, thanks to their cooperation agreement, from which they develop food safety audits and provide tools for proper food management; such as training on quality and hygiene practices.
The farming companies of our community are the most important and committed benefactors from Banco de Alimentos, as they make donations of their various crops to complement the food packages, being involved with this cause through programs such as AliadosBamx and Hambre Cero.
Banco de Alimentos de Culiacán is a private assistance institution with the mission of providing food assistance to people in need in Sinaloa. If you would like to learn more about the work Banco de Alimentos de Culiacán does for the benefit of thousands of families, you may visit their website here:
To learn more about our work as Veggies From Mexico, you may visit our website: