Agricola Belher is part of the National Book of “The 200 Best Socially Responsible Companies in Mexico 2023”

We are very proud that Agricola Belher, who is a founding member and one of the companies of our agricultural community Veggies from Mexico, who was recently recognized to be part of the National Book of “The 200 Best Socially Responsible Companies in Mexico 2023” in the Agribusiness field.
Agrícola Belher was recognized among a list of more than 14,920 companies in Mexico, which makes us very happy because this recognition shows the effort and commitment made every day by the leaders and the entire team of the company.
By obtaining this distinction, companies reaffirm their commitment to sustainability in Mexico in different areas, such as the environment, society, ethics, quality of life and corporate governance.

The ESR® (socially responsible company) Distinction is a systemic process for monitoring and comparing the level of development of good social responsibility practices through indicators in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) areas in companies. It is referenced with national legislation and international standards and includes the review of evidence to support the degree of compliance with social responsibility and sustainability of private companies, to accredit them with an icon of value that highlights and differentiates them from other companies operating in Mexico and Latin America. Coordinated by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (cemefi).
Corporate social responsibility is a way of managing and doing business in which companies ensure that their operations are not only economically sustainable, but also socially and environmentally sustainable.
This is a business vision that integrates respect for people, ethical values, the community, and the environment with the management of the company itself, regardless of the products or services it offers, the sector to which it belongs and its size or nationality.