Social media tips for marketing produce to families in late spring
Short-form video is still king on social media.
With that in mind, Produce For Better Health Foundation, now part the International Fresh Produce Association, is partnering with California Walnuts in May for a “Have A Plant Cook Along” on Facebook Live.
“Another way to help pique interest among families and kids is to put your own twist on viral or trending foods and recipes,” said Emily Holdorf, a registered dietitian and PBH social media community manager. “We know that when food is interesting and tastes delicious, people are going to be more willing to eat it again. So, the next time you see a viral food video think, ‘can I put a produce twist on this?’”
To promote produce education for National Fruit and Vegetable Month in June, Healthy Family Project, the cause-marketing arm of Shuman Farms, is using TikTok and Instagram.
Healthy Family Project partnered with The Packer and PMG to create a “Fresh Factor” initiative, educating families and retailers through graphics and reels on how to pick, prep and store a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
One such reel was an artichoke primer, starting with the secret to picking the best artichoke: Choose “the heavy and firm ones that have a healthy green color.”
On TikTok, Healthy Family Project educates users with how-to posts, like how to cut a mango. Another series is the monthly “What’s in Season” posts encouraging viewers to eat the produce in season that month for its freshness, flavor, lower cost and sustainable nature.
“Overall, buying fruits and vegetables in season is beneficial for your health, your wallet and the environment,” April’s post says.
PBH equips its influencer network with messages backed by science that also reflect these monthly food themes and eating moments.
In the spring Q2 Influencer Toolkit: Food Rooted In A Better Mood, influencers get turnkey resources: research tidbits, expert quotes, social media posts and in-store activation ideas for those working in retail, as well as culinary tips to help consumers eat and enjoy more fruits and vegetables every day for better health and happiness.
This time of year, people are heading outside to enjoy the sunshine with family and friends, and they’re snacking all the while, said Candace Gordon, PBH marketing and communications manager. Google Analytics shows people are searching for what’s in season and what food to bring to parties.
“As marketers and communicators, we can tap into these occasions that are already happening to reach consumers where they are, providing fun ideas for how to easily include more fruits and vegetables in their picnic baskets, backpacks, coolers or backyard spreads,” Gordon said.
by Amy Sowder