Photovoltaic System Applications for the Agricultural Sector

In the history of mankind, sunlight has always been used to benefit multiple activities, from producing fire with a magnifying glass to powering ovens on long journeys or creating steamships using solar energy.
In 1883, New York inventor Charles Fritts produced the first solar cell, and by 1954, NASA engineers developed the first photovoltaic solar panel for space use. Its initial application was to self-power satellite communications equipment. In the mid-’70s, a group of NASA engineers developed a laboratory in the United States the first photovoltaic solar panel for use in terrestrial applications. In the 80s, more photovoltaic solar energy applications became known and began to be used on the roofs of farms and rural areas. With the improvement of the energy efficiency of solar panels and the decrease in cost, they are being used more and more in rural and urban areas and for commercial activities, as well as in private homes.
Now, taking this technology to our daily use, why not generate our energy for our homes or businesses? This has many advantages, both ecologically and economically.

From the ecological point of view, we consider that solar energy is a non-polluting and renewable source that we have every day and that its use does not generate any waste or residual pollutants, so it is environmentally friendly.
Speaking of the economy, we have in our hands a great potential to generate our energy, achieving with this reduce much of our bill with the electricity supply company, achieving with this reduce monthly fixed costs in both our home and business.
Photovoltaic systems in the agricultural sector
In this sector there are several applications, first, the self-supply, which is nothing more than generating our electricity through a system interconnected to the grid of the electricity supplier, and as described above generates great savings.
Solar pumping systems, this application is very useful in areas with no electricity supply since solar panels are made to operate water pumps for agricultural irrigation, thus taking advantage of the hours of sunshine daily for irrigation.

Recently the application in greenhouses is something that has been gaining ground since the installations go directly into the greenhouse structure, providing cover, sealing, and also producing energy.
Tax benefits in Mexico
According to the Income Tax Law (ISR), Article 34, Section XII, establishes that the total cost of the installation of a photovoltaic system is 100% tax deductible in the first year, that is to say, in an accelerated manner without having to wait for its depreciation.
To enjoy this tax incentive, the solar panel system must be in operation for 5 consecutive years at the time the deduction was made. This means that every year it is necessary to report using a complementary declaration that the solar panels are operating on your company’s property.
To fully exploit this technology, it must be a custom-made suit, it goes hand in hand with a correct study of energy efficiency and a suitable calculation of the photovoltaic system based on historical consumption, achieving this balance, you get the perfect formula to reach the balance of energy efficiency and electricity self-sufficiency.
In the sister companies RG SOLUCIONES ELÉCTRICAS and HRF SOLAR TECH, you can find the perfect support to reach that point of balance, performing a field study, first of all, to make the use of energy more efficient, correcting these points, if any, the calculation of the photovoltaic system is made to cover the monthly consumption, and with this, significantly reduce the amount of the electricity bill.