Veggies From Mexico community farmers conduct Breast Cancer awareness campaigns

Agrícola Belher
On the month of the fight against breast cancer, awareness talks were held with the day laborer staff of the Community Development Centers (CDC) Dorita and Lo de Beltrán.
The talks were given by Dr. Luisa Adriana Ibarra from Profamilia de Jornaleros IAP; Drs. Imelda Soto and Dina Loera; and nurses Juan de Dios Bueno and Gerardo Buen Día from the IMSS medical offices located at the company’s facilities; as well as Agrícola Belher nurses Jesús López and Brayan Sánchez.
In addition, the doctors in charge of the IMSS medical offices, together with the social work and nursing team, created murals with infographics about the importance of self-examination and breast cancer prevention.
Grupo Agrícola Chaparral
Through the zoom platform, Grupo Agrícola Chaparral organized informative talks on prevention and self-examination for the timely detection of breast cancer with employees of the company’s three operations: Agrícola Chaparral, Agroindustrias Tombell, and Agroindustrias Villa Santiago.
These were given by Dr. Ana Isabel Acosta, Head of the Cancer Program of the Ministry of Health.