Farms receive from the VFM community the Distinction for Company Committed to Human Rights”

“Setting an example is not the best way to influence others; it is the only way.” – Albert Einstein
Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Last December 13, the Distinction for Company Committed to Human Rights was awarded by the State Commission for Human Rights of Sinaloa, in which several companies in the farm sector were proudly recognized: Agrícola Chaparral, Agroindustrias Tombell, Agrícola El Nazario, Agrícola Paredes, Grupo Doble RR and Myl Produce.
Agrícola Chaparral has been awarded this Distinction for four consecutive years and Agroindustrias Tombell for 3 consecutive years, both members of Grupo Chaparral. This way, these companies reinforce once again their commitment to the Human Rights of their employees, society, and the environment.
The CEO, Mr. Sergio Raul Esquer Peiro, attended the Distinction award ceremony, and on behalf of Agroindustrias Tombell, Ms. Socorro García Madrid, as well as the Coordinator Yolanda Rodríguez Rodríguez, who managed, documented and coordinated the event.

On the other hand, Agrícola El Nazario, a company that is a member of our Veggies From Mexico community was also recognized for the third consecutive year with the Distinction for Company Committed to Human Rights, a result that underlines its commitment to the promotion and respect of fundamental rights in its work environment. This distinction not only symbolizes recognition, but it also establishes a framework for the company to continue implementing good practices in its operations and in its relationship with its workers.
Obtaining this distinction implies that Agrícola El Nazario has committed to develop a continuous improvement plan that ensures respect for human rights in all its activities. This includes conducting periodic training for its employees, with the purpose of fostering an organizational culture that values and respects the rights of each person.
Through these initiatives, Agrícola El Nazario seeks not only to comply with ethical standards, but also to contribute to a more fair and equitable work environment. The company recognizes that respect for human rights is essential for the well-being of its team and for the sustainable development of its operations. This distinction is, therefore, a significant step on its path towards social responsibility and the strengthening of its commitment to the community.
The State Commission on Human Rights is a public body in the state of Sinaloa with management and budget autonomy, with its own legal personality and assets, and its purpose is the defense, protection, observance, promotion, study and dissemination of human rights recognized in the Mexican political constitution, in the local constitution of Sinaloa and in the international instruments incorporated into the Mexican legal system.

The Distinction for Company Committed to Human Rights is a program that intends to recognize the efforts of companies and establish self-management and evaluation mechanisms, whose main purposes are to consolidate the commitment to policies targeted to the respect and promotion of human rights in the scope of their activities; strengthen the organizational development of companies, promote due diligence processes in human rights for identification, prevention, mitigation and repair in the event of risks due to their activities or directly related to their commercial operations; to also support, encourage and seek a peaceful solution to conflicts arising from the direct and indirect activities of the company.
This distinction is also looking to contribute to the development of socio-emotional skills of its workers, with regards to their work activities and contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development purposes of the UN, promote and disseminate the sustainability which represents respect for human rights as competitive business advantages, and both stimulate and promote practices that directly promote continuous improvement.
There are seven main axes in this distinction:
Human rights policy
Harmonious labor practices
Organizational strengthening
Social environment
Environmental protection