Veggies From Mexico Community Companies Celebrate the Day of the Farm Worker
Since January 2017, November 29 is the date to celebrate the Day of the Farm Worker in Sinaloa, a date devoted to honor the hard work and dedication of men and women who work in farm fields. This celebration is intended to promote respect and recognition for the rights of farm workers.
With this purpose, the companies which are part of the Veggies From Mexico growers community developed various activities in their honor. Grupo Chaparral, for example, celebrated its employees by emphasizing the significance of their work and reaffirming the company’s commitment to the respect of their rights, while seeking to bring joy to their working days.
To celebrate this meaningful date, activities were organized for workers on November 29, including talks and campaigns on health and nutrition, sports tournaments, and moments for socialization accompanied by tasty snacks. Raffles of gifts and caps were also developed. These events were coordinated by the Social Responsibility team, with the support of the Social Promotion Coordinator, Yolanda Rodríguez.
This celebration represents a well-deserved tribute and recognition to all of those who, year after year, contribute with their work to the company. This activity is part of the different initiatives the social responsibility team implements to promote the well-being of workers, being characterized by its friendly and close treatment.
Agrícola Belher also joined the celebration, by highlighting the important work of its field workers. Each collaborator received a bubulubu (a Mexican chocolate candy) that included the image of a farm worker. Also, in the facilities of “Dorita” and “Lo De Beltrán” Community Development Centers, wall newspapers were placed with commemorative phrases and photographs of the migrant collaborators. This symbolic gesture is a way of expressing their gratitude for their dedication and effort, recognizing that they are a key element of their success.
We invite you to learn more about our Veggies From Mexico farm community at: