The importance of implementation of the Official Mexican NORM NOM-017-STPS-2008

Some activities in the agricultural sector may be associated with inherent high-impact hazards. These hazards often generate a high probability of accidents or occupational diseases, which may have severe consequences for workers.
Therefore, companies must take all necessary measures to protect their employees from potential occupational hazards arising from hazardous activities. This implies complying with the laws and regulations established to protect the life and physical integrity of people in their workplaces.

One of these specific regulations is NOM-017-STPS-2008, which establishes guidelines for selecting, using, and handling personal protective equipment (PPE). This is undoubtedly a team effort between the worker and the company.
To correctly implement this standard, the company must conduct a prior risk analysis to determine the following:
1) The different occupational risks to which the worker may be exposed, according to their activity. These risks can be:
– Physical
– Chemical
– Environmental

2) The body must be protected according to the risks faced and the type of work performed. This region can be:
– Head, face, and eyes
– Torso
– Extremities
This risk analysis is fundamental for the company and the owner to choose the most appropriate PPE to protect the health and safety of their workers.
Employer’s Responsibilities:
– Show the work administration the documents that the present Standard mandates them to elaborate or possess.
– Identify and analyze the work risks to which workers are exposed.
– Determine the PPE to be used by workers.
– Provide workers with PPE that meets the following conditions: it attenuates exposure to risk agents; it must be for personal use; it must be in accordance with the workers’ physical characteristics; it must have the manufacturer’s indications, instructions, or procedures for its use.
– Identify and indicate the areas of the work center where the mandatory use of PPE is required. The signage must comply with NOM-026-STPS-1998.

Remember that PPE does not reduce the hazard; it only protects the individual from the environment and the degree of exposure. It is therefore important to select PPE with criteria; poorly selected PPE can increase the risk of accidents, not avoid them.
As we can see, not only the employer and the companies have obligations, but also the workers have the following obligations:
– To take part in the training and instruction provided by the employer.
– Use the personal protective equipment provided.
– Check the current PPE condition before starting, during, and at the end of their work shift.
– Inform the employer when the condition of the PPE no longer protects them so that it can be maintained or replaced.
The use of PPE is essential to prevent accidents, but we must also apply a series of activities to avoid as many accidents as possible, for example:
– Apply prevention techniques, procedures, and practices.
– Work under appropriate methods and procedures.
– Use machinery, equipment, manual, electric, pneumatic, or portable tools with safety devices installed.
– Correctly place or store materials or products processed in the work center.
– Avoid unsafe behaviors or acts such as:
– Activities or operations without prior training.
– Unauthorized operation of equipment.
– Removing and blocking safety devices.
– Playing games or pranks at work.
– Cleaning, greasing, or repairing machinery in motion.
– Using inadequate tools.
– Not using the indicated protective equipment.

Due to its vital importance in generating healthier and safer workplaces, compliance with this standard is evaluated during Veggies from Mexico’s internal audits.
Compliance avoids penalties and allows us to implement effective and efficient measures to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses. This, in turn, helps companies to properly protect their workforce, which contributes to optimizing their production and boosting their competitiveness.
If you want to learn more about this and other standards, as well as to know which ones apply to your workplace in Mexico, you can consult the following link: