Agricola Belher: Training for Field and Packaging Facility

Navolato, Sinaloa.- Agrícola Belher developed a training course entitled Implementation of Risk Reduction Systems in Farm Production, lectured by Biologist Uriel Urías, Professional in Pollution Risk Reduction Systems (PPRRS), a member of the food safety team at CESAVESIN and technical advisor of the company. This activity was intended for mid-level managers of the field and packing facility areas, who play a key role in supervising production processes.

The main purpose of the training was to raise awareness among its employees about the importance of applying good agricultural, manufacturing and hygiene practices across all the production stages. With this, the aim is to achieve quality and food safety of its products, as well as to comply with certification standards that strengthen market confidence in the production of Agrícola Belher.
The application of good agricultural safety practices in the field and packaging facility is essential to ensure food safety and public health. These practices not only contribute to the production of high-quality food, but also minimize the risk of pollution and foodborne illness. By implementing proper measures from cultivation to packaging, it is ensured that products reach the end consumer in optimal condition, preserving their integrity and nutritional quality. Also, adopting these practices promotes environmental sustainability and consumer confidence in farming products. In a world where the demand for safe and healthy food continues growing, food safety becomes a key cornerstone for responsible farming development and protection of health among the population.

Learn more about Agrícola Belher, a company member of our Veggies From Mexico farming community at: