Agricola Belher Keeps its HACCP Team Updated

Just as every year at the beginning of the farming season, Agricola Belher makes a follow-up on its annual training program with the purpose of keeping its staff updated; strengthening this way the programs implemented, such as: quality and food safety of its products.
Last Friday November 22, Veggies From Mexico participated by giving the talk Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), lectured by Eng. Claudio Román.

This subject was intended for the staff of the HACCP team, highlighting the twelve steps that make up the methodology to develop the HACCP plan, as well as mentioning the update of tools such as the decision tree to determine the critical control points within the processes of the company.
There was good interaction between the participants and the speaker, having him resolving doubts about the subject. This way, the HACCP team members will be able to improve the implementation of their program, generating awareness of the relevance and responsibility they have as a work team to ensure that the identified hazards do not get out of control.

At Veggies From Mexico, we are committed to all our member companies with their training, advisory or any other need we can help them with. Congratulations to Agrícola Belher for their great commitment and the effort they make to comply with the purposes established in terms of training and continuous improvement.