Del Campo y Asociados

The Grower: Juan José Ley

Mr. Juan Ley Fong came to Mexico from China in 1911 and settled in Sinaloa. He and his descendants undertook several challenging businesses, and most of them remain active and are still very successful nowadays.

The Ley family owns a leading supermarket chain that is well-known in Northwest Mexico and has a national presence.

Thanks to strategic alliances with supermarket chains in the United States and Canada, they became aware that the quality of vegetables in Sinaloa was of the highest level, which motivated the directors to invest in the agricultural business.

They are now operating production units in three states of the Mexican Republic and two export offices in the United States.

That was the way Del Campo agricultural company began and today it has become one of the largest and most successful operations in Mexico.

Del Campo is currently managed by the heirs of this great family business dynasty: Diego Ley Lopez with the collaboration of Juan José Ley in the production division in Mexico and Diego Ley Jr. in the commercial area in the U.S.A. We can affirm that everything that is done in the Ley Family business involves putting effort and innovation into it.


Sales Contact:
Juan José Ley Castro
P. (667) 710-0049

t  M  w

Tiers & Certifications


Food Safety

Social Responsibility

Del Campo Blue Pearls, Sweet Pepper’s, Heirloom
Round tomato YEAR ROUND
Grape tomato YEAR ROUND
Roma tomato YEAR ROUND
Tomato on the vine YEAR ROUND
Cherry tomato YEAR ROUND
Heirloom tomato YEAR ROUND
Organic Grape tomato YEAR ROUND
Organic Roma tomato YEAR ROUND
Mini Cucumber ENE-MAY
Blueberries NOV-MAY
Round tomatoYEAR ROUND
Grape tomatoYEAR ROUND
Roma tomatoYEAR ROUND
Tomato on the vineYEAR ROUND
Cherry tomatoYEAR ROUND
Heirloom tomatoYEAR ROUND
Organic Grape tomatoYEAR ROUND
Organic Roma tomatoYEAR ROUND
Mini CucumberENE-MAY
Del Campo y Asociados on the News: